CLERK: The harbor?港口? MARTIN: Yes. I'm going to take the ferry.是的,我打算乘渡船。 CLERK: Oh, that harbor! It's near the market.哦,那个港口,在机场附近。 MARTIN: Tell me which street.告诉我哪条街。 CLERK: Look at the map. The market is here. The ferry is there.看地图,市场在这儿,码头在这儿。 MARTIN: Excuse me. Where is the market?对不起,市场在哪儿? MAN: Over there.在那边。 MARTIN: Where?哪里?
MAN: Oh, sorry. Are you driving?哦,对不起,你开车吗?
MARTIN: Yes, I have a car.是的,我有车。 MAN: Good. Turn left. Then go for about twenty blocks. Then turn right.好,向左拐,然后大约过20个街区,然后向右拐。
MARTIN: I have a map. Please show me the market on the map.我有地图,请在地图上把市场指给我看。 MARTIN: Good afternoon. I'm Martin Learner. I'm a reporter. I want to ask some questions. Who are you?下午好,我叫马丁·勒纳,我是记者,我想问几个问题,你是哪位? CAPTAIN: I'm Kurt Adamson. I'm the captain.我叫克特·亚当森,我是船长。 MARTIN: I'm writing a story about the ferry.我在写一篇关于港口的报导。