第 12 课: Asking Names of Unfamiliar Objects 询问陌生物体的名称 - 4

Conversation : In the Classroom在教室

MARTIN: I report the news on the Voice of America. What's that, Jane?我在“美国之音”节目中报导新闻,简,那是什么?

JANE: It's Europe.那是欧洲。

MARTIN: What country is that?那是哪个国家?

JANE: It's...It's Poland?那是,那是波兰。

HAL: That's right. What's that?对,那是哪个国家?

JANE: It's Hungary.是匈牙利。

HAL: Good. Can you spell Hungary?好,你能拼写一下匈牙利吗?

JANE: H-u-n-g-a-r-y.匈-牙-利。

MARTIN: Thank you, Jane.谢谢,简。

HAL: Martin, come see these students.马丁,过来看这些学生。

MARTIN: Hello.你好!

BOY: Hi.你好!

GIRL: Hi.你好!

MARTIN: May I record you?我可以给你们录音吗?

BOY: Sure.当然可以。