第 14 课: Talking About What People Do for Work 谈论人们从事的工作 - 5

Conversation : At a New Shopping Mall在一个新的购物中心

MARTIN: Good morning.早上好。

WELDER: Good morning.早上好。

MARTIN: What are you doing?你在干什么?

WELDER: We're welders. We're building a new building.我是电焊工,在建新楼。
MARTIN: What's that?那是什么?

WELDER: It's a door. We're making two large doors. Here's a window.是门,我们在做两个大门,这儿是窗子。

MARTIN: That's interesting.有趣。

WELDER: We're making twelve large windows.我们要做12个大窗子。

MARTIN: Thanks.谢谢。

JEFF: Come see the old building.过来看看旧楼。


MARTIN: Tell me about the shopping mall. I'm going to record.给我讲讲购物中心,我打算录下来。

JEFF: There's a clothing store. There's a jewelry store. There's a pet shop. There's a hardware store. There's a music store. 有1个服装店,1个珠宝店,1 个宠物店,1个五金店。1个音乐店。