第 16 课:Talking About Where People Work 谈论人们的工作场所 - 2

Conversation : In a Small Town 在小镇

MARTIN: What do they make?生产什么?

MAYOR: Look at these pictures. See these people?看看这些照片,看到这些人了?

MARTIN: Yes.是的。

MAYOR: They work in the battery factory. They make batteries.他们在电池厂工作,生产电池。

MARTIN: What do they make?他们做什么?

MAYOR: They work in the tire factory. They make tires.他在轮胎厂工作,生产轮胎。

MARTIN: What do they make?他们生产什么?

MAYOR: They work in the glass factory. They make windows and windshields.他们在玻璃厂工作,生产窗玻璃和挡风玻璃。

MARTIN: What do they make?他们生产什么?

MAYOR: They make bottles. And they make plastic bags. Come see the town.他们生产瓶子。他们生产塑料袋。来看看这座城市。

MARTIN: Thank you, I'd like that.谢谢。我很愿意。

MAYOR: Do you see those people? They work on the roads and streets.看到那些人了吗?他们在街道上作业。

MARTIN: I see. How many teachers do you have?我看到了。你们有多少教师?

MAYOR: About one-hundred. They teach in the schools. Look at that school.大约100。他们在学校教书。看那所学校。

MARTIN: Is it a new school?是所新学校吗?

MAYOR: Yes, it is. Twenty teachers teach in that school.是的。有20名教师在那里教书。

MARTIN: Is that a hospital?那是个医院吗?
MAYOR: Yes, it is. It's small. Twenty-three nurses work in the hospital. 是的。小医院。有23名护士。