第 19 课:Talking About Families 谈论家庭 - 6

Conversation : On a Farm在农场

MARTIN: Meg, where do your grandmothers live?麦格,你的奶奶、姥姥住哪?

MEG: One lives in town. One lives in California.一个住在镇上,一个住在加利福尼亚。

MARTIN: What do your uncles do?你叔叔们干什么?

MEG: Uncle Gene is a policeman.吉恩叔叔是警察。
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MAX: Uncle Chet is a baker.洽特叔叔是面包师。

MARTIN: Max, is one uncle a farmer?麦克斯,你有个叔叔是农民吗?

MAX: Yes, he is. He has a small farm.对,有。他有个小农场。

MARTIN: What does he grow?他种什么?

MAX: Corn. All the farmers grow corn.玉米,农民们都种玉米。

MEG: He grows beans, too.他也种豆子。

MARTIN: Soybeans?黄豆吗?

MEG: Yes.是的。

MARTIN: Does he have animals?他养牲畜吗?
MEG: Oh, yes.哦,养。
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MARTIN: Do you like animals?你喜欢牲畜吗?

MEG: I like some animals. I like horses.喜欢一些,我喜欢马。

MARTIN: Can you ride?你会骑马吗?

MEG: Yes, I can.是的,会。