第 20 课:Introduction of Family Member 介绍家庭成员 - 7

Conversation : At a Family Reunion在一个家庭聚会上

MAXINE: I have an uncle in Baltimore.我有个叔叔在巴尔的摩。
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KAREN: Martin, is your wife here?马丁,你的妻子在这儿吗?

MARTIN: No, she isn't. She's in Baltimore. Our home is in Baltimore.不,她不在。她在巴尔的摩,我们家在巴尔的摩。

KAREN: Do you have any Children?你有小孩吗?

MARTIN: Yes, I do. I have one boy and one girl.是的,我有一个男孩和一个女孩。

KAREN: How old is the boy?男孩多大了?

MARTIN: He's seventeen years old. My daughter is fourteen years old.他17岁了,我女儿14岁了。

KAREN: Do you live in a house?你们住在单门独户的房子里吗?

MARTIN: No, we don't. We live in an apartment. Where do you live?不,我们住在公寓里,你住在哪里?

KAREN: I live with my mother and father.我和我父母住在一起。

MARTIN: Where is Kendra's home?肯德拉的家在哪里?

KAREN: She's in town. She lives in an apartment.在城里,她住在公寓里。

MARTIN: May I ask some more questions about your family?可以再问些关于你家的问题吗?

KAREN: Yes.当然可以。