第 24 课:Activities in the Future 将来的活动 - 5

Conversation : In a Restaurant 在饭店里

HOWARD: My son and I went on Saturday.我和儿子星期六去看的。

WALEED: Did you like it?你们喜欢那部电影吗?

HOWARD: He liked it. I didn't like it.他喜欢,我不喜欢。

MARTIN: Where is your family, Waleed?你家人在哪儿,瓦利德?

WALEED: They're in Lebanon.他们在黎巴嫩。

MARTIN: What are they doing there?他们在那儿在做什么?

WALEED: My wife's family lives there. Her mother and father live there.我妻子的家人住在那儿,她父母住在那儿。

MARTIN: Does she have brothers and sisters?她有兄弟姐妹吗?

WALEED: She has two brothers. They live in the United States.她有两个兄弟,他们住在美国。

HOWARD: Did your children go with her?你的孩子和她一起去了吗?
WALEED: Yes, they went, too. They're going to come home next month. What are you going to do on Saturday, Martin?是的,他们也去了。他们下个月回来。马丁,你星期六要干什么?

MARTIN: I'm going to a swim meet. Cara's daughter is going to swim in Baltimore. My wife and I are going to watch. Do you like music, Waleed?我去看游泳比赛,卡拉的女儿将在巴尔的摩游泳,我和妻子去看。瓦利德,你喜欢音乐吗?
WALEED: Oh, yes. I like jazz.噢,是的。我喜欢爵士乐。

MARTIN: What are you going to do next Sunday?你下星期天要干什么?

WALEED: Nothing.没有什么打算。