第 30 课:Expressing Wants 表达愿望 - 2

Conversation : In the Locker Room 在更衣室

MARTIN: Now you're a coach.现在你当上了教练。

COACH: It's funny. I played football for ten years. I never had an accident.很有趣,我打了10年橄榄球,从未出过事故。

MARTIN: Do you like coaching?你喜欢教练工作吗?

COACH: Very much. I wanted to play football. But I like coaching very much. I'm very happy.非常喜欢,我原来想打橄榄球,但现在我非常喜欢教练工作,我很高兴。

MARTIN: You played professional football. You coach university football. Did you want to coach professional football?你过去是打职业橄榄球的,你现在训练大学橄榄球队,你想训练职业橄榄球队吗?

COACH: No. I wanted to work with younger men. First. I wanted to coach high school football. I like to work with young men and women.不,我想和年龄比我小的人在一起,起初,我想训练中学橄榄球队,我喜欢和年轻的男女在一起。

MARTIN: Did you want to teach?你想过要教学吗?

COACH: Coaching is teaching. I wanted to see the young men and women grow. I liked to watch my children grow, and I wanted to watch other children grow.训练就是教学,我想看着年轻人长大。我喜欢看着我孩子长大,我也想看着其他孩子长大。

MARTIN: Do girls play football?女孩也打橄榄球吗?
COACH: My girls did. They were very good. Some schools have football for boys and girls.我队里的女孩打,他们打得很好。有些学校有男子橄榄球队和女子橄榄球队。

MARTIN: You wanted to coach high school, but you are coaching university men now. 你原想当中学教练,但你现在训练的是大学生。

COACH: That's right. The university wanted me. They asked me.对,大学需要我,他们请的我。

MARTIN: What do you want to see this year?你今年对你的球队有什么期望呢?

COACH: I want to see my men grow. We're going to work very hard.我想看到我的队员有更大长进,我们要刻苦训练。

MARTIN: What do you mean “grow”?你说的长进是指什么?

COACH: They were good last year. I want them to learn. I want them to become better.他们去年打得很好,我想让他们多学习,我想让他们打得更好。