第 33 课:Stating the General Time of Your Activities 表示活动的大致时 - 6

Conversation : At the Office 在办公室

CARA: Martin, when are we going to Georgetown University?马丁,我们什么时候去乔治敦大学?

MARTIN: Next week. The demonstration is on Wednesday.下周。示威活动是在星期三。

HOWARD: What demonstration is that?那是什么样的示威活动?

CARA: It is Environmental Day. There is a big demonstration.那天是环境保护日,有个大型示威活动。

WALEED: What is Environmental Day?什么是环境保护日?

MARTIN: The students are having a demonstration about environmental problems. Cara and I are going to write a story. 学生们将举行示威,宣传环境的问题。我和卡拉将写篇报导。

WALEED: What problems are they demonstrating about?他们将就什么问题示威、宣传?

CARA: Many problems.许多问题。

MARTIN: We're going to write about river pollution.我们将写有关河流污染的问题。

CARA: Yes. The university is on the river. We want to listen to the speekers. We want to write about pollution.对,这所大学就在一条河上,我们将听听演说,我们想写有关污染的问题。

MARTIN: We had a story about ocean pollution.我们写过一篇有关海洋污染的报导。

WALEED: When?什么时候写的?
CARA: A few weeks ago. We visited the Atlantic Ocean.几周前,我们访游览了大西洋。

HOWARD: When did you go to the Atlantic Ocean?你们什么时候去的大西洋?

MARTIN: In the summer.在夏天。

WALEED: Did you see pollution in the ocean?你们看到了海洋污染吗?

CARA: Yes, we did. We saw pollution in some places.对,我们在几个地方都看到了污染。

MARTIN: We saw pollution in the river, too.我们也看到了河流的污染。

HOWARD: When?什么时候?
MARTIN: Last week. Last month. Last year. We want to write about pollution.上周,上个月,去年。我们要写有关污染的报导。