第 40 课:Describing People (Ⅳ) 描述人物(四) - 3

Conversation : In a Western Clothing Store在一家西部服装店

MANAGER: You're not short. And you're not fat.你个儿不矮。再有,你也不胖。

MARTIN: I'm average. I'm not tall and I'm not short. I'm not thin and I'm not fat.我算中等儿。我不高,也不矮。我不瘦,也不胖。

MANAGER: You have nice hair.你头发长得好看。

MARTIN: It's average. It's not dark and it's not light. It's average brown. I'm only average.中等儿。既不深也不浅,中等儿棕色,我只是中等儿。

MANAGER: Do you like this shirt?你喜欢这件衬衫吗?

MARTIN: Yes, I do. I like blue.我喜欢。我喜欢蓝色。

MANAGER: You have blue eyes.你长着蓝眼睛。

MARTIN: They're not blue. They're gray.不是蓝的,是灰的。

MANAGER: They look blue. Are your arms long?看起来是蓝的。你胳膊长吗?

MARTIN: They're not very long. They're not short. Let's talk about other people.不很长,也不短。咱们谈谈其他人吧。

MANAGER: Of course.当然可以。

MARTIN: Do you see that woman in the green dress?你看见那个穿绿裙子的妇女了吗?

MANAGER: Yes, she often shops here.看见了,她常在这儿买东西。

MARTIN: She's not very tall. And she's not fat.她个儿不很高。还有,她也不胖。

MANAGER: She looks very nice.她很好看。