第 40 课:Describing People (Ⅳ) 描述人物(四) - 4

Conversation : In a Western Clothing Store在一家西部服装店

MARTIN: May I talk to some of the shoppers?我可以和一些顾客谈谈吗?

MANAGER: Of course.当然。

MARTIN: Excuse me. May I ask some questions?对不起,我可以问几个问题吗?

MANAGER: This is Martin Learner. He's a reporter.这是马丁·勒纳,他是记者。


MARTIN: Do you like this clothing?你喜欢这种服装吗?

FEMALE: Yes.喜欢。

MARTIN: What do you like?喜欢什么?

FEMALE: I like the shirts. I like the pants. I like the skirts. I like everything.我喜欢这种衬衫,我喜欢这种裤子,我喜欢这种裙子,我喜欢(这儿的)一切

MARTIN: Do you like the colors?你喜欢这些颜色吗?
FEMALE: Yes. See this blue dress. It's very nice.喜欢。看这条蓝裙子,很好看。

MANAGER: You look wonderful in blue.你穿蓝色真漂亮。

FEMALE: I'm very big. I'm tall and I'm big. I like the outdoors. This clothing is good outdoors.我长得很大,我又高又大。我喜欢户外活动,这种服装很适合在户外。

MANAGER: The clothing is strong.这种服装很结实。

FEMALE: And I'm strong.我也很结实。

MARTIN: Are you a farmer?你是农民吗?

FEMALE: No, but I work outdoors. I'm a gardener. I like to work in my garden.不是,但我在户外干活。我是园艺师,我喜欢在自己的园子里干活。

MARTIN: Do you wear this in the garden?你在园子里就穿这吗?
FEMALE: Not only in the garden.不只在园子里穿。

MARTIN: Thanks.谢谢。