第 7 课:Getting Acquainted 结识他人 - 2

Conversation : At the Coffee Shop 在咖啡馆

MARTIN: First, tell me your full name.首先,告诉我你的全名。

STEFAN: My name is Stefan Nowak(Novak)我的名字叫史蒂芬·诺瓦克。

MARTIN: I want to get it right. Please spell it for me.我想搞准确,请给我拼出来。

STEFAN: S-T-E-F-A-N N-O-W-A-K.史-蒂-芬·诺-瓦-克。

MARTIN: Where are you from?你是哪儿人?

STEFAN: I am from Poland.我是波兰人。

MARTIN: I know you're from Poland. What city are you from? Warsaw?我知道你是波兰人,你是从哪个城市来的?华沙吗?

STEFAN: No, I'm not from Warsaw. I am from Cracow. Where are you from?不,我不是华沙人,我是克拉科夫人。你是哪儿的人?

MARTIN: I'm from Chicago. But I live in Baltimore now.我是芝加哥人,但我现在住在巴尔的摩。

STEFAN: I lived in Warsaw, too.我以前也在华沙住过。

MARTIN: Before I lived in Baltimore, I lived in many cities. I lived in Washington, San Francisco, Paris and Berlin.在我住到巴尔的摩之前,我在很多城市居住过。我在华盛顿、旧金山、巴黎和柏林居住过。

STEFAN: That's many places!地方真不少。

MARTIN: Well, I write news stories and reports. Reporters go where there is news. 嗯,我写新闻和报导。哪儿有新闻,记者就到哪儿。

WAITRESS: More coffee?再来杯咖啡吗?

MARTIN: Yes, please.好的,请。

STEFAN: Thank you. Excuse me, where are you from?谢谢你,对不起,你是哪儿人。

WAITRESS: Here.这儿的。

STEFAN: Where?哪儿的?

WAITRESS: Here. I'm from Baltimore. Where're you from?这儿的,我是巴尔的摩人,你是哪儿人?

STEFAN: I live in Baltimore.我住在巴尔的摩。

WAITRESS: I lived in Florida last year. I lived in California. I lived in Texas. I lived in Ohin, New York, Washington...我去年住在佛罗里达州。我在加利弗尼亚州住过。我在得克萨斯州住过。我在俄亥俄州、纽约州、华盛顿州……住过。