第 10 课:Do you like computers? 你喜欢电脑吗?

Herbert: Um, excuse me, miss. Are you waiting for someone? May I sit with you for a second? 嗯,小姐,对不起。你在等人吗?我可以跟你坐一会儿吗?

Rose: Yes, I guess it's OK. 好吧,我想无妨。

Herbert: Thanks. So, um, do you go to bars often? 谢谢。所以,嗯,你常上酒吧吗?

Rose: Of course not! 当然没有。

Herbert: Sorry, I didn't mean anything bad. Would you like another drink? 对不起,我没有恶意。你想再来一杯吗?

Rose: No. This one is half full. Any way, it's very strong. 不了。这杯还剩一半。况且,这杯酒非常烈。

Herbert: I guess the bartender thought you liked strong drinks. 我猜那个酒保大概以为你喜欢烈一点的酒。

Rose: Excuse me?! 什么?!

Herbert: Do you like computers? 你喜欢电脑吗?

Rose: I have one, but I don't know much about them. 我有一台电脑,但对电脑不太在行。

Herbert: I see. What about baseball? 喔,这样。那棒球呢?

Rose: No. I'm not into sports. 我不太热衷运动。

Herbert: So... are you seeing someone? 那……你有在跟人交往吗?

Rose: Well, that's a personal question. 嗯,那是私人的问题。

Herbert: Sorry. I didn't mean to be nosy. It's just that... 对不起,我并不想探人隐私。只是……