第 17 课:What's fun for you? 那你觉得什么好玩?

Rose: It's fun. That's how you learn. 这很好玩,这样才学得起来。

Herbert: Doing the same thing over and over is no fun. 不断重复做同一件事一点都不好玩。

Rose: What's fun for you? 那你觉得什么好玩?

Herbert: Computers! The Internet.... 电脑!互联网……

Rose: Is that why you spend all your time on the computer? 这就是你把全部时间花在电脑上的原因吗?

Herbert: Yes, It's like a music box that plays a different song every time you open it. 是啊,电脑就像一个音乐盒,你每次打开都能听到不同的歌。

Rose: That's beautiful... 真美……

Herbert: I sometimes feel like my computer is alive. 我有时候会觉得我的电脑好像是活的。

Rose: I feel the same about my piano. But computers... they're only machines. 我对我的钢琴也有同感。但是电脑……电脑只是机器罢了。

Herbert: They are more than just machines. 电脑绝对不只是机器。

Rose: What do you mean? 你的意思是?

Herbert: Composing computer program is like composing music. You use computer language just like you use notes to create one new thing after another. 写电脑程式就像在作曲。使用电脑语言,就像你不断用音符创作一样。