第 20 课:I'm not in the mood... 我现在没有心情听……

Rose: His passion for computers is just like my passion for music. 他对电脑的热情就跟我对音乐一样。

Sue: Two passionate people... sounds like an interesting piano class... 两个热情的人……这个钢琴课听来真有趣……

Rose: He lights up when he talks about computers. And he's poetic... 谈到电脑的时候,他整个人都亮了起来,而且他很有诗意……

Sue: About computers? Is that possible? 对电脑?可能吗?

Rose: Amazingly enough... And he sent me music... 够惊人吧……他还寄音乐给我……

Sue: Tapes? CDs? What kind of music? 录音带吗?CD吗?哪种音乐?

Rose: Music he composed in college. He sent it by e-mail. 是他大学时作的曲子,他用电子邮件寄来的。

Sue: Now this is something to write home about! 终于有可以告诉家里的大事发生了!

Rose: Herbert told me he spent a lot of time composing music in college. 赫伯特说他大学时花了很多时间在作曲上。

Sue: So the music he wrote in college represents the old Herbert... 那他大学时写的曲子代表的是“过去”的赫伯特了……

Rose: I don't know, but I'm kind of curious. 我不知道,但我有点好奇。

Sue: You haven't listened to it yet? 你还没听吗?

Rose: No, not yet. 还没有。

Sue: Well, let's listen to it! 我们来听听看吧!

Rose: I'm not in the mood... 我现在没有心情听……

Sue: This is fun! Come on! 这很有意思呢!快点嘛!