第 23 课: I didn't say that. 我可没说。

Sue: Oh? Did you say probably? 哦?你是说“可能”?

Rose: Yes, why? 对啊,怎么了?

Sue: Ha, ha! That means you're considering it! 哈哈!那表示你在考虑了!

Rose: Considering what? Are you jumping to conclusions again? 考虑什么?你又想随便下结论了吗?

Sue: No. It looks like you're considering liking him for what he is... 才不呢。看起来你考虑不论他是什么样的人,你都会喜欢他……

Rose: I didn't say that. 我可没说。

Sue: Rose, you would never say that. But you face is starting to show it. 柔丝,你嘴里绝不会说。但你的脸上已经开始表现出来了。

Rose: Sue. I never said I didn't like Herbert...It's just that... 苏,我从没说我不喜欢赫伯特……只是……

Sue: See! I knew it! You were moved by his e-mail music. 看吧!我就知道!你被他的电子邮件音乐感动了。

Rose: I don't know if we're compatible or not. 我不知道我们俩适不适合。

Sue: Let music bring the two of you together. 就让音乐把你们俩拉在一起。

Rose: We've already seen that that doesn't work. 我们已经发现那是行不通的。

Sue: Well, maybe you should act like normal people. 嗯,也许你应该采取一般人的做法。