Sue: Because you want him, but you don't have him. 因为你想要他,却还没得到。 Rose: I can't do it. 这我做不来。 Sue: Just look at him as if he were a big piece of chocolate... and you have a weakness for chocolate... 你就把他当作是一大块的巧克力……而你一看到巧克力就忍不住…… Rose: Like this? 像这样? Sue: Oh, yes! That's provocative! 对了!这样够挑逗! Rose: Is that all there is to flirting? 眉目传情就这样子而已啊?
Sue: No. Another important thing is physical contact. 不。另一个重点是肢体接触。 Rose: What kind of a girl do you think I am? 你把我当成哪种女人啊? Sue: You don't have to eat him, just accidentally brush against him. 你又不必把他吃了。只要不经意地轻轻碰他一下。 Rose: That's so obvious. 这样太明显了。 Sue: If he likes you, obvious is good. Then he'll have the confidence to chase you. 若他喜欢你,明显一点才好。这样他才会有信心来追你。 Rose: So, I just brush against his this? 那我只要轻轻地碰他手一下……像这样? Sue: Well, that's OK. Your hands are sweating... 还可以啦。瞧你手汗流得……