第 33 课:Let's sit with them. 我们去跟他们坐在一起。

Rose: Thank you for bringing me. This is great! 谢谢你带我来,太棒了!

Sue: Rose, do you see? Herb and Don are over there. 柔丝,你看到没,赫伯跟唐在那里。

Rose: Uh huh. I can't believe it! You're trying to set up Herb and me. 喔,我真不敢相信!你想撮合我跟赫伯。

Sue: Let's sit with them. 我们去跟他们坐在一起。

Rose: Ms. Matchmaker, Herb and I just aren't written in the stars. 媒人婆,赫伯和我根本没缘分。

Sue: Who knows? Come on! 谁说的?来嘛!

Herbert: Um, hi, Rose. 嗯,嗨,柔丝。

Rose: Hi. 嗨。

Herbert: It's nice weather. 天气不错。

Rose: Yes, it's very nice weather. 是啊,天气真不错。

Herbert: Uh, uhh, you should come to Hsinchu sometime. 嗯,你应该找时间来新竹看看。

Rose: Umm, is it nice there? 那里很好吗?

Herbert: No. 没有很好。

Rose: Oh. 噢。