第 116 课:Too... to... 太......不能......


1. The bottle is too small to hold so much water. 瓶子太小,不能装那么多水。

2. He is too proud to see his own shortcoming. 他太傲慢了,看不到自己的缺点。

3. It's too late for the store to open. 太晚了,商店不会开门了。

A: You won one million yuan in a lottery. What will you say? 你买彩票中了一百万元。想说点什么吗?

B: I don't know. I'm too excited to say a word. 我不知道。我太兴奋了,一句话也说不出。

A: I understand. It's too good to be true, isn't it? 我明白。这太好了,好得难以置信是吗?

B: Yes, too good to be true. 是的,好得难以置信。