第 64 课:I'll... for a change. 我想换换口味......

你某天突然想不按惯例来点变化,就可用for a change(换换口味)表示。

1. Today I'll go to the KFC for a change. 今天我换换口味去吃肯德基。

2. Let's eat out for a change. 今天我们出去吃。

3. This summer vacation I'll find a part-time job for a change. 今年暑假,我想变换一下找个兼职。

A: Hi, waiting for the bus? Where are you going? 嗨,等车呢?你去哪?

B: China Hotel. 中国饭店。

A: Why don't you take a taxi? It'll get you there much faster. 为什么不打车?那要快得多。

B: Well, I think I'll take the bus this time just for a change. 哦,我想这次我还是换一下走法,乘公车。