第 10 课

The correct answer is... - Is it Holiday? - 正确答案是... - 是不是《假期》?
Holiday, indeed, yes.《假期》,正确!
The winners of the 42nd Annual Law Council Quiz are... 第四十二界法律委员会智力问答的冠军是...
the Legal Eagles. 法律之鹰

Lovely to see you, Bridget. - Oh, thanks, Rebecca. - 见到你真是太好了,布里奇特. - 谢谢,丽贝卡
Good night. 晚安

Why didn't you speak to me all night? 为什么你整晚都不跟我讲话
That's the point of those dinners. 那是晚宴时间啊
But you talked to Rebecca. And you talked to Horatio. 但是你跟丽贝卡讲话,你跟霍里肖讲话
I'll never fit in with your friends. 我再也不会去取悦你那些朋友了
Not if you go on calling everyone "balding, upper-middle-class twits". 只要你不要再叫他们 "又肥又蠢的中产阶级蠢蛋"
Well, they were balding, upper-middle-class twits. 他们就是又肥又蠢的 中产阶级蠢蛋
Except for the ones who had hair. 除了那些有头发的
I suppose you agree with them that poor people deserve to be poor? 你难道同意他们说的穷人就应该穷吗?
Don't be ridiculous. 别那么荒谬了

So now I'm ridiculous? - Yes, tonight you were a little. - 现在我很荒谬吗?- 是的,今晚你是有点
Well, tonight you were an arrogant arse. 很好,今晚你是个傲慢的饭桶
I think I may have made a mistake inviting you 我想我让你和你叠好的衬裤
and your folding underpants into my life. 介入我的生活是个错误

If you had asked me tonight, 如果你今晚问我的话?
I'd have said no, anyway. 我的回答是,不!
Asked you what? 问你什么?
Bridget? 布里奇特
Asked you what? 问你什么?

Oh, God, I've done it. 噢,老天,我做了傻事了
I've gone and done it. 我竟然做了这样的傻事
One minute, you're closer to someone than anyone in the whole world, 一分钟之前你还和一个人亲密无间
next minute, you're never going to see them again. 下一分钟,你们就会断交了

Yes, who is it? It's me. - 是谁? - 是我
Mark. - Oh, right. - 马克 - 对啊
Er, just a moment. 呃,稍等一下
I'm on the phone. 我在打电话
You're outside. 我在门外
Look, er,... 嗯,呃...
I'll ring you later. Unless you've come to chuck me once and for all. 如果你不是来抛弃我的话我稍后再打给你
In which case, 不管怎么说
bye and thank you, and... sorry. 再见,多谢还有...对不起

Oh, God, please don't chuck me. 噢,老天,别抛弃我
If you have chucked me, please change your mind, 如果你想抛弃我,就改主意吧
I'll behave much better in future. 我以后会改的
On the other hand, if you haven't, 不过要是你不想抛弃我的话
please behave better next time we go out. Stuck-up snob. 下次你要表现的好一点,自大狂

What do you want? 你想要干吗?
I'd like to come up. You are, after all, my girlfriend. 我想上来,你毕竟是我的女朋友
Even though I shouted at you and called you an arrogant arse? 就算我对你咆哮还叫你傲慢的饭桶?
Unfortunately, yes. You see, the problematic thing is... 很遗憾,是的。更为重要的是... I love you. 我爱你

I said I love you. - I'm sorry, I missed that again. - 我说我爱你 - 不好意思,我还是没有听清
I said I love you, for God's sake! 我说我爱你,看在上帝的份上