第 11 课

All right, no need to shout. 好啦,别大喊大叫的
I'll come down and let you in. 我这就下来给你开门

You might be needing this in the future. 你以后用的着

He said he loves me. 他说他爱我
He said he loves you? - He said he loves me. - 他说他爱你? - 他说他爱我
Right, where is he now? He's in the bedroom. - 他现在在哪里? - 他在卧室
Go back in there, Bridge, 布里奇特,回去
and whatever you do, act completely nonchalant. 该做什么做什么,表现的冷淡些

Bridget, you're staring at me again. 布里奇特,你又在看我了
Sorry. 对不起
Listen, I know this evening didn't go exactly as planned, 我知道今晚没有计划的那么周全
but there was a very important question I wanted to ask you tonight. 不过我还是有个很重要的问题想问你

Oh, really? - Yes. - 是吗? - 对
I've actually been meaning to ask this for quite some time. 我已经想了很久了
I've just never really found the right way to put it. 就是一直没有恰当的时机

This is not just a mini-break. 这个假期可不小
This is a holiday in heaven. 实际上是个滑雪季
Told a tiny lie about being an extremely experienced skier. 撒了个小谎自称是经验老道的滑雪高手
But, honestly, how hard can it be? 但这又能有多难?

I know I'm going to like skiing a lot. 我知道我一定会很喜欢滑雪的
Very romantic, very relaxing. 非常浪漫,非常放松
Bar going up. - No. What? Why? - 拿起挡板 - 什么?为什么?

Rebecca. What are you doing here? 丽贝卡,你在这里干吗?
Didn't Mark tell you we were coming? - No, he didn't. - 马克没有告诉你我们也来了吗? - 他没说
It was me who recommended the place. 是我推荐了这个地方
I've been coming since I was 1 1. - Really? - 我从十一岁起就来这里了 - 真的?
Three whole years. 整整三年
Come on, up you get. 来吧,帮你起来
Come on. 来吧

There you go. - Are you all right? - 好啦 - 你没事吧?
Yes, fine, thanks. 很好,多谢
You sure? - Why is Rebecca here? - 你确定? - 为什么丽贝卡也在?
Oh, God. Well, I mentioned that we were coming 哦,天啊,我们出发的时候我提了一句 and she said why didn't they come too, and I couldn't say no, could l? 然后她就说不如他们也一起来, 我又不能拒绝,对吧?
Come on, you two, let's crack on, shall we? 你们两个,一起来吧,一起划下去
Actually, I might just sit this one out. You head on. 我还要调整一下,你们带头吧
See you down there. - You sure? - 下面见 - 你没事?
Absolutely. I'll be fine in a minute. 当然,马上就好
Right, I'll see you at base camp, then. 好吧,下面营地见