第 12 课

Bastard. I can't believe he's left me. 该死,真不敢相信他会走

So, romantic getaway has turned into lawyer's reunion. 浪漫的假期变成了律师们的集会
Oooh. 噢
I can't believe we're already into group holidays 真不敢相信我们才缠绵了八周
after only eight weeks of total, undisturbed sex. 就开始团体活动了
Wait a minute... 慢着...
No. Eight weeks? 不会吧,八周?
It couldn't be, could it? 这怎么可能?
Totally undisturbed... 完全没有被打扰...
Oh, God. I'm pregnant. 噢,老天,我怀孕了

I would like a pregnancy test, please. 我想要验孕试剂
A pregnancy test. 验孕试剂
Ich bien, er, possibly... 爱情(德语),呃,可能...
mit baby. 生小孩
Er... 呃...
Kinder! I am on back... 小孩!我躺着
and he, er,... 而他…
maken ze lieben. Er, with me. 而他,在上面… 这样…
She's pregnant! 她怀孕了
Oh, no! No, no, not pregnant. 哦,不!不是,不是怀孕
She's bloated. 她吃的太胀了
Condom? - Nein. Nein, nein. - 避孕套? - 不是,不是,不是
Maybe like this, but maybe like this. 可能像这样,也可能像这样
I think her problem is psychological. 大概她心理有点问题
There is nothing a pill can do to help her. 给她药也没有用
I'm a girl and I met a boy. 我是一个女孩,然后我认识了一个男孩
Fraulein, and I met frau... boy. 小姐(德语),然后我认识了一个夫人(德语)...男孩
And possibly now mit baby, uh-huh? 可能会生小孩,懂吗?

Right, moment of truth awaits. 好了,耐心等待关键一刻
What if I am pregnant? 如果我怀孕了会怎么样?
I must try not to get hopes up too high. 我不能报太大的希望了
Boyfriend and baby seems just too lucky. 又是男友又是孩子也太幸运了
Bridget? I have been looking everywhere for you. 布里奇特?我到处找你
I thought you'd broken a leg or something... Oh, God. 我以为你摔断腿了还是怎么的... 噢,天啊

You're not...? - I might be. - 你不会是...· - 可能会是
What if I were? - Well, I suppose l'd... - 如果我是怎么办? - 那我想我会...
To be quite frank, it'd be bloody fantastic. 坦率的说,太不可思议了
I mean, if a little ahead of schedule. 我的意思是计划有点提前了
Are you really pregnant? - Well, give it three minutes. - 你真的怀孕了? -再等三分钟

What do you fancy? Boy or a girl? - I dunno, it doesn't matter. - 你怎么想的?男孩还是女孩? - 我不知道,无所谓
Although, I suppose I've always had the fantasy of a son. 我想我一直期望有个儿子
Another Mark Darcy. - Or maybe something like Huck. - 另一个马克·达西 - 或者哈克之类的
Or River. Or some fabulous Hebrew name like Noah. 或者芮文,或者犹太名字比如诺亚 Anyway, I could teach him to play cricket and rugby 我还可以教他打板球和橄榄球
and visit him at Eton on St Andrew's Day. 在圣安德鲁节带他参观伊顿公学

Eton? 伊顿公学?
Yes. The Darcy men have been going to Eton for five generations. 是啊,达西家连着五代人在伊顿公学读书
Well, my son's not going to be sent away from home. 我的儿子才不会离开家呢
Especially to some fascist institution where they stick a poker up your arse尤其是那些专制的制度 未经他们允许
that you're never allowed to remove again. 就算拿着拔火棍戳你屁股 你也不能动一下
I see. 我知道