第 13 课

I didn't mean you. - No, of course not. - 我不是说你 - 当然不是
So what's the alternative? Sleeping in his parents' bed, 那另一种情况呢?睡在爸妈的床上
breastfeeding until he's a teenager 到十几岁了还要喂奶
and some progressive school, where the day is spent singing Yellow Submarine?然后去那些整天唱黄色潜水艇的进步学校?
Oh, you're absolutely right. 哦,你完全正确
It's madness to allow a child to enjoy his education or live with his parents. 让孩子在父母住在一起接受教育 是件愚蠢的事
What is madness is to have a child if his parents can't have a discussion without one shouting at the other.父母之间讨论问题也要争吵就把孩子生下来才叫愚蠢呢

It's negative. 是阴性
That's too bad. - Yes, very sad. - 太糟了 - 很伤心

Perhaps we should go out for lunch tomorrow. Get out of the grump. 我们明天一去出去吃午餐吧 把怨气都抛掉
That's a good idea in theory, but you made a family arrangement. 理论上是个好主意 安排一个家庭聚会吧
Oh, God. 噢,老天

Darlings! 亲爱的
I've had the fabulous idea of inviting your parents. 我自做主张把你父母也叫来了
Another one of Mother's culinary triumphs. 另一个妈妈的厨房盛宴
Everything in miniature. - Mini treacle tart, Admiral Darcy? - 所有都是迷你的 - 迷你糖果馅饼,达西上将?
No, no, thank you. The mini spotted dick rather finished me off. 不,不,多谢。我刚刚干掉了迷你布丁

So, Mark, Bridget, when are you two lovebirds going to name the day? 马克,布里奇特 你们小两口打算什么时候结婚?
Bridget, you must want to hear those ding-dong bells. 布里奇特,你一定想听结婚进行曲了吧?

Well, we're certainly not thinking about that yet. Are we, Bridget? 我们还没有考虑到这个问题 对吗,布里奇特?
No. God, no. 没有,没有
Of course not. 当然没有
Good. Well, that's that sorted. 好啊,这是要好好考虑的
So, Admiral, out on the high seas. How was it? 那么,上将,在公海上航行的感觉怎么样?

Did you mean that thing you said? - What thing? - 真的像你所说那样吗? - 什么事?
You know what thing. - No, I don't know what thing. - 你知道什么事的 - 我不知道什么事
The thing thing. 关于那件事的事
Now, let's see, there are any number of things, um... in an afternoon full of all sorts of things, 你想整整一个下午,唔... 有那么多事情
so l, um,... 所以我,唔...

The thing where you said you're not, um,... 那件你说你还没有,呃...
That you're not, not even thinking about, um... 你还没有,没有考虑过,呃...

What's the matter? 怎么了?
Let's get a drink. 我们喝杯东西吧

I'm going to go to the loo, then I'm going to come back. 我去一趟洗手间,然后等我回来
And then we're going to be civilised. 然后我们开诚布公地谈谈