第 14 课

If you have a message for Mark Darcy, speak after the tone. 如果你有事找马克·
达西 请在提示音后留言
Mark, it's Rebecca. Are you there? 马克,我是丽贝卡,你在吗?
Obviously not. Probably still out with Bridget. 显然没有,还和布里奇特在一起?
Um... Anyway, I hope lunch with the parents went well. 呃,和家长们的午餐还顺利吧
I'm sure you were dutiful and very polite, as usual. 我肯定你还是那么彬彬有礼的
Er... Whatever. Anyway, look, maybe give me a ring when you get back. 呃...无论如何回来给我打个电话
I thought I might pop round for a nightcap. 我想过来和你喝一杯睡前酒
But I suppose that's a silly idea. Bridget's probably there. 这主意大概有点傻,布里奇特可能在
Sleep tight. 晚安

Oh, Christ, what now? 哦,老天,怎么了?
Are you or are you not having an affair with Rebecca Gillies? 你和丽贝卡·吉利斯到底有没有暧昧关系?
I won't dignify that question with an answer. 我不屑于回答你这个问题
Right. 很好
All I did was go to the loo. 我只不过去了趟洗手间
Bridget! 布里奇特!
Bridget. 布里奇特
That's not your coat. 那不是你的外套
Oh, right. 哦,好

Oh, Bridget, what are you doing? 哦,布里奇特,你在干吗?
I read you should never date someone if you can think of three reasons not to. 你说过如果有三个理由让你 不想和某人约会,那么就再也不会约会了
Can you think of three? - Yes. - 你能想出三个吗? - 是的
Which are? - Well, first off, I embarrass you. - 哪三个? - 第一,我让你出丑了
I can't ski, I can't ride, I can't speak Latin. 我不会滑雪,我不会骑马,我不会说拉丁文
My legs only come up to here and yes, I will always be a little bit fat. 我的腿只到这里,我还有点胖

And you, you fold your underpants before you go to bed. 还有你会在上床之前先把衬裤叠好
Now, hang on, that can't be a reason. - No, it's not a reason. - 打住,这不是理由 - 就算这不是理由
But you're not perfect either. 但是你也不完美
You look down your nose at absolutely everyone, 你目中无人
and you're incapable of doing anything spontaneous or potentially affectionate. 并且你对我们的爱情没有 也没能力作出任何有益的事
It feels like you're waiting to find someone in the VlP room 我觉得你就是在等一个 重要的人物出现
who's, who's so fantastic... 那个人十全十美
just the way she is, 真金足赤
that you don't need to fix her. 你自己完全无需作出牺牲

Bridget, this is mad. 布里奇特,这样太不理智了
Perhaps you've already found her. 或许那个人已经在你面前了
Do you want to marry me? 你打算过娶我吗?
Look, l... 我…
You see, you can never muster the strength... to fight for me. 瞧,你连为这么一点为我奋斗的勇气都没有