第 16 课

Not now. Not in a million years from now. 现在不行 一百万年以后都不行
Excuse me? - I am a top television journalist, - 抱歉? - 我是个顶尖的电视记者
not some boorish bint in a bikini. 不是穿着比基尼招摇过市的俗人
Really? Strong words from somebody who doesn't know where Germany is. 真的吗,连德国在哪儿都不知道的人 竟然如此口出狂言
Who told you that? 这是谁说的?
Cleaver. He said he couldn't be expected to go out with someone 克莱弗,他说你以为 伊兰是大卫·鲍维(摇滚歌星)的妻子
who thought lran was David Bowie's wife, and who didn't know where Germany was. 而且连德国在什么地方都不知道 他不愿与你合作

Daniel Cleaver is a deceitful, sexist, disgusting specimen of humanity, 丹尼尔·克莱弗是一个典型的阴险狡诈 自欺欺人的大男子主义者
that I wouldn't share a lift with, let alone a job. 我根本不会正眼瞧他 更别说共事了
Come on, Jones, there must have been something you liked about me. 别这样,琼斯 我总该有些优点能让你动心的吧?

Well,... you have a nice car. 你的车还不错
And quite nice manners. Outside the bedroom. 除了在床上,也很讲礼貌
But that's about it. 不过是关于上床的礼貌
And by the way, I know exactly where Germany is. 另外,我明明知道德国在什么地方
The question is do you know the location of your arsehole? 问题是你知不知道自己的屁眼在什么地方!

As a matter of fact, I do know the exact location of my arsehole. And hers.实际上,我不但知道自己的 还知道她的在什么地方
Oh, come on, Jones, it was just a silly joke. 别这样,琼斯 我只不过开个玩笑
Not a very funny one. 一点都不好笑
Go on, then. - What? - 继续说 - 什么?
Where is it? Where is Germany? 德国,德国在哪里?
Next to France. - And? - 法国旁边 - 还有呢?
And also Belgium,... 旁边还有比利时
Poland. And it has a sea coast. 还有波兰,并且沿海
Which sea? 沿什么海?

Oh, sod it. Now, look, 算了,不说了
I think we should talk about Finch's suggestion. 我觉得我们应该考虑一下芬奇的建议
I am going to Thailand, Jones. 我决定去泰国,琼斯
Wouldn't you like to be my little Girl Guide? 愿意做我的女铁嘴吗?
Thailand? 泰国?
You'll shag before you leave Heathrow. - I'll be perfectly fine. - 恐怕你还没上飞机就已经跟他上床了 - 我不会有事的
I'm eschewing all men. 我正在戒男色
And cigarettes. And carbohydrates. 戒烟,戒糖
We can't possibly let you go. - On your own. - 我们决不让你去 - 一个人决不行
Oh, stop it, all of you. 你们都别说了
I am a mature, sophisticated, professional woman 作为一名成熟、世故的职业女性
and I'm going to Thailand entirely on my own, thank you very much. 我已经正式决定一个人前往泰国 感谢你们的关心

Fuck! - Sorry. - 妈的! - 对不起
Fuckity fuck. - Sorry. - 他妈的! - 抱歉
And now our final passengers have joined us, we can get underway. 现在最后一名乘客已经登机 我们就要起飞
Someone's gotta be last. 总得有人排在最后

Are we not sitting together? 我们不能坐在一块儿?
Oh, fuck. 操!
I don't think we're really in a position to, um,... 我觉得无所谓
...make a fuss. Sorry. Hi. 别大惊小怪了 抱歉,你好
Sorry. 抱歉