第 17 课

What's your name? Mine's Clive. 我叫克莱夫,你是?
Er, Bridget. 布里奇特
Good afternoon again, ladies and gentlemen. 女士们先生们,下午好
We're about to offer a wide range of duty-free items. 我们提供各种免税商品
Details can be found in your in-flight magazine. 详细情况可参阅您的航班杂志

Wonderful people, the Thais. Particularly the young ladies. 泰国民风淳朴,尤其是女孩子…
If you know what I mean, eh? 你明白我的意思吧?
Oh, for heaven's sake. - Come with me. - 噢,老天啊 - 请跟我来
Come with me now. 请您跟我过来
Where are we going? - Just through here. - 现在去哪里? - 请过来
Thank you. This is worse than school. 把我当小学生了
It really wasn't my fault. 这不是我的错
It's a fizzy drink, you know, it just... 只不过是杯泡沫饮料
It just sort of fizzied over. 就倒翻了些泡沫而已…

Couldn't bear to think of you back there in slum class, Jones. 我觉得不好意思让你坐在经济舱
Graham, thank you. You are the best air steward I've ever come across. 谢谢,格雷汉 你是我见过的最热心的乘务员
And if I may say so, the smartest. 也是最机智的

I thought you were there already, doing research. 我以为你已经到那边开始调查了
Fuck, no. I make it up as I go along. 没有,那都是我编出来的
It's 1 3 hours for this trip. I need some in-flight entertainment. 路上还有13个小时 我总得找点乐子
Why don't you tell me, in detail, about your school netball tour, 你能不能给我仔细讲讲上大学时 参加投球联赛的事情?
particularly the unsavoury incident in the communal showers. 还有在公共浴室里的尴尬事?
I didn't play netball. Or go to a girls' school. 我从不玩投球 也没上过女子大学
Or have showers. - Now that's just not true, is it? - 也没去过公共浴室 - 我知道都是编出来的
Let me start you off. - No. - 我来给你开个头 - 别
If you're gonna be dull, I'm going to plunge back into Mrs Dalloway, 你要是装傻 我就继续看我的《黛洛维夫人》(电影名)
and you know how she loves that. Dirty, dirty bitch. 那个“肮脏的婊子”也会很乐意的 (《黛洛维夫人》台词)

Arrived Bangkok. Very hot.
Relieved at last to throw myself into serious journalistic work. 我终于静下心来投入紧张的采访任务之中
Thailand has long called travellers from around the globe to take spiritual succour and karmic rest.泰国始终吸引着世界各地的旅人他们到此寻求精神慰藉 乃至宿孽的解脱 For centuries, Western visitors have been inevitably drawn to some of Bangkok's oldest sanctuaries. 数百年来,无数的西方游客 都不可避免为之所吸引来到这些曼谷最为古老的庙堂之间

So true, Bridget. Even l, fight it as I may, am no exception. 非常正确,布里奇特 我也深有同感
The moment I arrive here, I almost feel an irresistible pull... 到达此地的一瞬间 我就感觉到一种强烈的吸引力
...to this. The Temple of Tranquillity. 把我带到这里 “净慧寺”

Indeed, nothing symbolises Thailand's extraordinary fusion of East and West,实际上,没有一件事物能把泰国 从东方文明到西方
of tradition and innovation, better than this. 从传统文化到革新 如此完美地结合起来
Fully body-to-body massage. 完全贴身马杀鸡
Sawatdee kha? - Sawatdee khrab? - 你好 - 你好
An incredible thing about Thailand is the amazing traditional cuisine. 泰国的传统美食堪称一绝
I'm going to taste kapaluk, the ultimate delicacy. 我正要品尝此地的终极美食榴莲