第 19 课

The best? 最完美的?
Aside from Simon Reade in the fifth-form locker room, yeah. 没错,背着西蒙·瑞德 在更衣室里的那次
Suppose I said you were pretty good too? 如果我说你也很棒呢?
Pretty good? 也很棒?
Was I better than Mark Darcy? 跟马克·达西相比呢?

By the way, is it true he always says "I'm sorry, I think I'm going to come"?另外,他是不是每次都郑重其事地说 “不好意思,我想我可否进来了?”
Who told you that? - It's common knowledge, isn't it? - 谁说的? - 谁都这么说啊
Come on, Jones. Who gave who the hoof? 琼斯,你说我们到底是谁甩了谁?
And why? 又是为了什么?
Let's just say 我觉得应该说
that we suffered from a fatal incompatibility. 我们水火不容,无法相处

I have missed you, Jones. 我很想你,琼斯
I don't suppose there's any circumstances 有没有可能
in which you would ever consider 你会抛弃成见
thinking about trusting me again? 考虑再相信我一回?
Absolutely not. 不可能

Well, I suppose I'll be getting back to my little hut now. 我想我该回屋子里去了 Thank you very much, Daniel. I had a nice time. 非常感谢,丹尼尔 今天我过得很开心

Is that the Big Dipper or the little one? 那是大熊座还是小熊座?
I can never tell them apart. 我从来都分不清
Definitely the big one. 当然是大熊座
You can't see the little one this close to the equator. 离赤道这么近的情况下是看不到小熊座的
Oh, please. You don't know about astronomy. 别扯了,你根本不懂天文学
I most certainly do. I'm passionate about it. 谁说我不懂,我对天文充满热情

You know, Jones, if stargazing is something that interests you, 知道吗,如果注视着你感兴趣的东西
then it has to be said that the view from my balcony is quite outstanding. 就会感觉到连自己身处的阳台 都是那么地与众不同
Perhaps you'd like to come up and have a little look? 你愿不愿意赏光来一起看看?
I don't think so. 我想不必了
See over there? Along my arm. 看到吗?看我手指的方向
That's it, over there. 就在那里
That is Orion's Belt. 那是猎户座星云
And next to that is a very sexy little constellation called Ursa's Maiden. 旁边的那个小巧性感的星座 就是纯洁的小母熊座
Ah. She's being very naughty and trying to undo Orion's belt. 她非常地顽皮 想要解开猎户座的腰带
All right, what about... that one? 行了,那么,这颗呢?
Yes, well that is a very, very famous star. 这是一颗非常,非常有名的星
Um, right next to, of course, um... 位置是靠近于…

I don't know, some other fucking star that's been there for years and years.有些见鬼的星星都在那儿很多年了 可我就是不知道
Seen one star, you've seen the lot, that's what I say, Jones. 琼斯,我的意思是 当你看着星星,就像看着自己的命运

Different with girls, though. 虽然命运因人而异
Some girls... 有些女孩…
...are special. 是如此特别
Are they? 真的么?
I think so. 我想是的

What is this special power you hold over me, Jones? 你身上究竟是哪一点吸引着我,琼斯?

And what about your therapy? 你不是正在治疗么?
I think you might be it. 我想你就是解药