第 2 课

She's out. Unit Two, you got her? - We see her. - 她下来了,二号位,你拍到了吗? - 拍到了
Bridget, open the chute. 布里奇特,打开降落伞
Open it. 快打开
Open your fucking parachute! 快点打开降落伞!
Pull the thingy or you will die! 快拉手柄不然你会死的

Oh. Honestly, you forget just one teeny, weeny detail 坦白说,你忽略了一个极小极小的方面
and everyone treats you like an idiot. 每个人都会把你当成白痴

Where was I? Oh, yes... Mark Darcy. 我想到哪里了?哦,对...马克·达西
The question is: what happens after you walk off into the sunset? 问题是:到你老了后会发生什么?
Bridget? Earth to Bridget Sodding Jones. 布里奇特?地面呼叫布里奇特·琼斯

Bridget, you're on. You're live. 布里奇特,你着陆了,现在是实况
Well, this is Bridget Jones for Sit Up Britain, 早安不列颠节目 这里是布里奇特·琼斯
reporting to you from a big vat of excrement. 在大堆粪便中给您带来的报道

Give me a close-up of the porker. 给我一个猪的特写

Who cares about the odd professional hiccup? 我才不在意这种略嫌古怪的习惯
I've been in a functional relationship 重要的是,我和一个成年男性
with an adult male for six wonderful weeks, 成功交往了6个美好的星期
four fabulous days and seven precious hours. 加4个美妙的日子 加7个美丽的小时
Or to put it another way, 7 1 ecstatic shags. 换成另一种算法就是 71次绝妙的性爱
He's given up being snooty, and I've given up smoking. 他不再傲慢自大,我也戒了烟

Well, he thinks I have anyway, 至少他以为我已经戒了
which is practically the same thing. 不过实际上也差不多

Mark Darcy is perfect. 马克·达西绝对完美
Not a fuckwit, alcoholic, workaholic, pervert or megalomaniac, 他不是笨蛋、酒鬼、工作狂、变态或是自大狂
but total sex god and human rights lawyer. 他非常性感还是个人权律师
He is a miracle, really. 他事实上是个奇迹