第 21 课

It's not mine. 这不是我的东西
These yours? - Yes. - 这是你的吗? - 是的
I mean, they're not my favourite pair. 当然了,我也不喜欢这样的…

You can't do this. I'm English. 你怎么能这样,我是英国人
And an award-winning journalist. 我可是要拿大奖的新闻记者
Well, maybe not award-winning, but l have been to lots of award ceremonies. 就算拿不了大奖 我也出席了无数次颁奖典礼

Hello. Bridget Jones. 你好,布里奇特·琼斯
Lovely to meet all of you. 很高兴见到大家
Oh, my bloody God and fuck. 真是他妈的老天没眼
I hope they've told the British ambassador. 希望他们已经通知了英国使馆
Surely Shazzer would have raised the alert. 莎兹应该会去报警的
Maybe they got Shazzer as well. 万一她也被抓起来了呢…

Oh, God, 28 hours. 老天,28个小时了
How much longer? 还有多久啊
Jones. Bridget Jones, you come now. 布里奇特·琼斯,你出来

Charlie Parker-Knowles, Assistant Consul. 文化参赞,查理·派克
Thank God you're here. 你能来真是老天有眼
Um, shall we... 我们不如…
I really had absolutely nothing to do with it. 我真的对此一无所知
Jed planned the whole thing. 全都是杰德策划的
That's why he snogged Shazzer, who's much older than him and slightly past her peak. 莎兹比他老这么多徐娘半老之风都已不再,他跟她在一起果然是有所图谋
Yes, he sounds the most frightful shit. 他听起来确实是个十足的混蛋
Mmm. The bore is everyone who gets caught has exactly the same story, 问题在于,被抓到这里的人 都会讲这么一个没创意的故事
so unless we find this, this Jed fellow and get a full confession, 所以除非这个杰德真的落网 并且全部供认不讳
you're on a bit of a sticky wicket. 否则你可就得在这儿呆上一段日子了
Well, how sticky? 呆多久?
Something like 1 5 to 20 years. 15到20年左右
1 5 years? - Or maybe ten if we're lucky. - 15年? - 运气好的话也可能是10年
Ten years! 10年!
In here? 在这儿?

Very black. 如此阴暗
All my life I've had the feeling something terrible was about to happen. 以前我经常会有大祸临头的预感
Now it has. 这回果然应验

Bijjit, right? 布里鸡?
Bridget, actually. 应该是布里奇特
My name Phrao. 我叫帕萝尔
You're my friend? 交个朋友好吗?