第 22 课

Steady on! - Superbra! - 别这样! - 魔鬼文胸!
You lend me. One day, two cigarette. 你借我戴,一天,两支烟
Well, I'll think about it. 好吧,我考虑考虑
Actually, I was thinking of giving up, 实际上,我本来是想戒烟的
but that was before I was arrested and thrown into a Thai prison 可现在我不但被捕 还被扔在这个“泰式”监狱
for ten to 1 5 years. 要呆10到15年
Circumstances change. 环境改变一切

No, it really, really is "touched". 不对,那里绝对应该念“触摸”
"Like a vir-gin, touched for the very first time". “像一个少女初次触摸的感觉” 不是“摸”
No, you wrong. - No. - 别胡说了 - 不对

Ten years of this?! 我要这样过十年?
Stop! Enough. Enough. 够了!别唱了!
If you're going to do it, you really ought to do it properly. 你们既然想唱 就得规规矩矩地唱
After all, Madonna is nothing if not a perfectionist. 毕竟,麦当娜是我心目中最完美的象征

Dear Mum and Dad, 亲爱的爸爸妈妈
I'm missing you a lot. 我很想念你们
Please write as soon as you can. 请尽快复信
I'm feeling pretty low. 我的情绪非常低落
Bijjit Jone. 布里鸡·琼

In there. You have five minutes. 在那里,五分钟
Just five. 五分钟

Mark? 马克?
You all right? 别来无恙?
Oh... Fine. 喔,很好

And... scared shitless. 被吓得屁滚尿流
But, you know, perky. 你好像挺得意的,但是
I can't believe you've come all this way. 我真的没想到你会大老远的跑来看我
I haven't. I was out here handling a Foreign Office case 我不是来看你的 是来处理一起涉外案件
when I heard about your situation. 碰巧听说了你的事情
I haven't done anything wrong. 我什么都没干
I promise you, it's all a big mistake. 我向你保证,这是个天大的误会
Yes, well, I'm sure it is. 我猜也是
I've got all the papers here and I'm sure we can sort it out. 我搞到了全部的卷宗 我想我们一定能理出头绪
I think about you all the time. And I'm so sorry, 我整天都在想你 真对不起…
I really, really am, for everything that happened between us. 真的对不起,一切一切都是我的错
Yes, well...好了,那么…
We don't have much time and I need you to identify someone for me. 我们时间紧张 我需要你为我指认一个人
Is this the man with whom you were seen taking hallucinogenic mushrooms before you spent the night with Daniel Cleaver?你和丹尼尔·克莱弗过夜的那天,此人是否曾给你服食 致幻的菌类食物?