第 23 课

Yes, that's him, but I think you should know... 是的,就是他 但是有一点我要说明的
The same man who gave you the snake containing the drugs? 那条内装毒品的蛇是否系此人给你的?
Yes, that's him, that's Jed. 是的,就是他,杰德
But it was Shazzer's snake, not mine, 不过他是莎兹的朋友,不是我的
and as far as Daniel Cleaver goes... 而且我也没有和丹尼尔…
Your sex life doesn't concern me at all. 我对你的私生活完全不感兴趣

Has there been any ill treatment here? 这里没有任何医疗措施吗?
No, no. Well, I mean... 没有,我是说…
...the toilet facilities are well below par, but... 这里的卫生设施还过得去
Good, that makes things simpler. 很好,这样事情就简单多了

Listen, they're prepared to drop all charges against you 听着,他们将会撤销对你的所有指控
which is extremely lenient, given the circumstances. 在这种环境下, 已经是最为宽大的处理了
You're going to be out within a week. 你可以在一周之内获释

Thank you. 谢谢
You're welcome. I'm just the messenger. The order came from above. 不用谢,我只是告诉你事实 决定是上层作出的
Well, good luck. Glad I could be of help. 祝你好运 我很高兴能帮上忙

So, Bijjit, what happen? 布里鸡,怎么了?
Well, um... 这个…
Bijjit! How this can happen? 布里鸡!到底怎么了?
This is terrible! You are innocent! 太可怕了,你是清白的!
They're always cheating us. - No, no, no. That's all fine. - 他们总是欺骗我们 - 不,没事了
They've dropped the charges and they're letting me go. 他们会撤销指控 我将得以自由 But that good news. 那很好啊
What is wrong? 你是怎么了?
Mark Darcy definitely... 马克·达西
...doesn't love me anymore. 再也不爱我了

You see the trouble is it was me who chucked him. 问题在于,是我把他给甩了
He treat you bad? 他对你很差吗?
Yeah, actually, he did. 是的,没错
My boyfriend treat me bad too. 我的男朋友也对我很差
Me too. Mine as well. 我也是
Me too. 我也是
Then you know all about it. You think you've found the right man, 正当你觉得充满信心 自以为找到了那个人的时候
but then there's so much wrong with him 却发现那个人有着那么多的缺点
and he finds there's so much wrong with you and it all just falls apart. 而他也发现我身上有着那么多毛病 于是一切分崩离析
Don't tell me. My boyfriend, 别说了,我的男朋友
he seem really nice. 看起来人也很好
Then he start to hit me. Make me work on street. 但是他很快就开始打我 还逼我去站街
My boyfriend, he say he love me. 我的男朋友,嘴上说爱我
But he do no work, and make me work 24 hour a day. 但是他从不工作 却要要每天工作24小时
Then he make me take heroin drug. 他还逼我注射海洛因
What about you, Bijjit? What your bad boyfriend do? 你呢,布里鸡 你那个男朋友干了什么缺德事?

Well, er,... 这个…
...he really didn't stick up for me at this lawyers' supper,... 他在他的律师餐会上不肯为我说话…
and, um, then he would fold his... [chuckles] 还有,他还折起…
Oh, same sort of thing, really. 反正事情都差不多,真的
Hitting me and making me take drugs. Stealing all my money and stuff. 又打又骂,逼我吸毒 还偷我的东西和钱
Oh, God. I've been the world's biggest fool. 老天,我真是世界上最蠢的蠢蛋