第 25 课

The Darcys rang to say how pleased they were you were out. 达西家里打电话来说你不在的时候家里一切平安
I rather thought Mark might be here to meet you. 我以为马克也会来接你
Yes, but you must remember we split up. 但是你还记得我们已经分手了吧?
So no hope there? 没希望了吗?
No hope there. 没希望了
Believe me, next time I will not fuck it up, Mum. 相信我,妈妈 下次我再也不会他妈的搞砸了
Language, darling. - Sorry. - 注意言辞,宝贝 - 抱歉
Next time, I will not fuck it up... 下一次,我再也不会他妈的搞砸了
...Mother. 妈妈…

Surprise! 惊喜!
Hello. - Hello. - 你们好 - 你好
Oh, darling. - Hiya.
Bridget... 布里奇特…
I'm so sorry. 我很抱歉
It's all right. 没事了

Well, thank God for Mark Darcy. I mean, he might be a boring arse, 感谢马克·达西 虽然他做人够失败的
but he performed a miracle. 但是这次他创造了奇迹
That's a bit of an overstatement. 别替他吹牛了
He actually seems to be the villain of this piece. 这件事上他表现得完全像个恶棍
He's a top human rights lawyer and he left it to someone else to get me out.他是个顶尖的人权律师 却没有为我出头办这案子
He was just a messenger. 他只不过来给我通个消息

Who told you that? - He did. - 谁说的? - 他自己说的
Straight from the horse's mouth. 那个混蛋亲口说的
The horse wasn't quite telling you the truth. 那个混蛋可能没说实话哦
I called Mark the minute I landed in London. 我一到伦敦就马上给马克打了电话
We went to his office and within half an hour, 我们一起去了他的办公室 半个小时之内 he'd woken two Cabinet ministers and half of Ml5. 他足足惊动了两位内阁大臣 和大半个军情五处
But none of them could locate Jed, so Mark flew over to lnterpol. Which is in Lyon. They located Jed in Dubai, 但是没人能找到那个杰德 马克又飞到法国里昂求助于国际刑警总部 他们在迪拜(阿联酋国家)抓到了杰德
but they don't normally extradite people, 但是阿联酋不愿引渡杰德
so Mark rang the Home Secretary who rang our ambassador... 因此马克又让秘书致电利雅得(沙特首都)
In Riyadh. Then Mark flew to Dubai where he identified Jed, who was impounded and pushed out into... 找到了驻沙特大使然后马克飞去迪拜指认了杰德然后杰德在当地被拘留
Saudi Arabia, where Mark was waiting with the police. 移送到了沙特时 马克已经在当地警局恭候他了
Jed was arrested and extradited back to Britain. Then Mark flew to Bangkok,杰德在沙特被正式逮捕,引渡回到英国 然后马克才飞到曼谷
to make damn sure they'd let you go. 让他们还你自由

He was just angry about Daniel Cleaver. 他只是在跟丹尼尔·克莱弗赌气
He must still love me. - He fucking must. - 他一定还爱着我 - 他妈的当然了
Taxi? 出租车?
Yes, please. 好的,谢谢