第 26 课

Oh. I forgot about you. 噢,我把你给忘了
Er, l, l, I just wanted to, um,... 我只是想…
say something to Mark. 有些事要告诉马克
He's at the office. Do you want to come in? 他正在办公室里 你进来说吧
Oh, no. No, no, I don't think I will. 不,不用了…我想还是算了
I really hope that you'll be happy together. 我真心希望你们在一起过得快乐
Sorry? - You and Mark. - 什么? - 你和马克
I really hope that you'll be very happy together. 我真心希望你们过得快乐
No, no, no, Bridget, listen... 不,布里奇特,听着
you've got it completely wrong. 你一定是误会了
I'm not in love with him. 我没有和他在一起
How could I be when I'm... 我早已心有所属
seriously heartbroken and smitten with someone else? 可能有心和他…

Someone else? 谁?
You, Bridget. - Me? - 你,布里奇特 - 我?
Ever since I saw you here with your hair messed that night 从我第一眼见到你的时候 那天晚上,你的头发乱七八糟
and bits of garden stuck to you. You must have noticed. 脸上沾满了泥巴 你应该知道的 I try to hide it, but every time I see you, I light up. 我想要克制 但是每次见到你,都会情不自禁
I thought you were just, you know,... 我以为你是在…
...Iying. 耍我…
Was every look I ever gave you a lie? 我以前给你的印象就是在耍你吗?
I've been looking forward to this. 我一直期待能见到你
Lovely to see you, Bridget. 见到你真是太好了

Thank you very much. 非常感谢
That was lovely. 感觉很好
Really lovely. 真的很好
But I'm afraid it's still men in general, 但是我恐怕… 总体来说还是喜欢男人
and Mark Darcy in particular, that I love. 尤其是马克·达西 才是我的爱人
Right. 没错
If, er, if I ever do decide to, um,... 如果,我有可能会…
you know, bat for the other side,... 转变取向的话…
...well, there's no-one else. 那么,你就是第一人选
Only you. 一定是你

I love you. I always have and I always will. 我爱你 我一直爱你,永远爱你…
Oh, um...
I don't love you, and I never have, and... 我不爱你 从来不爱…
... I never will. Sorry. 永远不爱,对不起…

Come in. 请进
Hello, Bridget. 你好,布里奇特
Hello, Mark. 你好,马克
I'm sorry, I'm disturbing you. 很抱歉打扰你们
Well, yes, a bit. - I'll just... - 好像…是有一点 - 我只想
sit outside while you finish. 我坐在外边等你结束
No, no, no, please, say what you have to say, young lady. 别拘束,你有话就说吧,小姐
Mr Santiago is the Peruvian Secretary for Trade. 这位是秘鲁的经贸部长 圣地亚哥先生
And Mr Hernandez is his number two. 以及副部长 埃尔南德斯先生

How can we help you, young lady? 请问有何指教,小姐?
Well, er,...
I just wanted to tell Mr Darcy here 我只是想告诉达西先生
that I heard what magnificent work 我刚刚得知了他为了将我救出监狱
he actually did releasing me from prison. 所付出的艰巨的努力

Tiny, tiny misunderstanding to do with an enormous stash of cocaine. 只因一件微不足道的 有关藏匿巨量可卡因的误会
And I also wanted to say, 我还想说
since having found out that his girlfriend is actually a lesbian,... 由于发现了他的女朋友 其实是个同性恋

...that I love him. 所以我爱他
Always have. Always will. 一直爱他,永远爱他
And that I'm... 还有…我…
...you know,... 很想…
...available for dates... 跟他约会…
...if he should feel so inclined. 如果他愿意的话

So, er, your girlfriend is a lesbian. 你的女朋友是个同性恋?
Look, if you'll all just excuse us for a second... 我想离开一下 请各位见谅
I think we should... 我想我们应该…

Bridget, that was not the most romantic proposition I've ever heard. 布里奇特,这不算是我听过的 最浪漫的表白
Well, maybe it is romantic 也许,正因为这不够浪漫
because it's not. I mean... 所以才浪漫,我是说…
I know there's no music playing, and it's not snowing, 我知道这里没有音乐,没有下雪 but that doesn't mean that it, that it can't really be something. 但是这并不意味着这没有意义

You're right. 你说得对
In fact, there's a question I've been meaning to ask you. 实际上,我有个问题一直想问你
All right. As long as it's not "Will you marry me?" 没关系,只要别问 “愿意嫁给我吗”

Oh, God. It is "Will you marry me?" 上帝,难道真是 “愿意嫁给我吗”
Well, I'm not gonna say it now. 但是我现在说不出口了
Is it "Will you marry me?" - The moment's gone. - 真是“愿意嫁给我吗?” -现在没感觉了
No. No, no, no. No, wait. 别,别,等一下
Wait. 等一下
Bridget. - Start again. - 布里奇特 - 再来一遍
No. - Start again. - 别 - 再来一遍
I'm not gonna... It's... 我不是这个意思…
We've just stepped out into the corridor, 我们刚刚出来,经过走廊
you say "I've got a question to ask you" 你说道 “我有个问题一直想问你”
and I don't say anything. 而我什么也没说

Bridget Jones, will you marry me? 布里奇特·琼斯,你愿意嫁给我吗?