第 3 课

Bridget, will you stop? - [record scratches] 布里奇特,别看了
Stop staring at me. Go and find something to do. 别盯着我看,找点别的事做
Sorry. 对不起

So, as you can see, the incredible truth is the wilderness years are over. 正如你所看到的,令人难以置信的事实 枯燥无味的日子一去不复返
Bridget Jones is a love pariah no more. 布里奇特·琼斯不再被爱情遗弃

Morning, Bridget. Late again. 早上好,布里奇特。又迟到了
Yes. Sorry. 是啊,对不起
I was in bed with my boyfriend. 我和我男朋友起的晚了
He's a human rights lawyer, you know. 你知道他是个人权律师
Yes, we know. 是的,我们都知道

I cannot believe how fantastic shagging was last night. 真难想象我们昨晚那么缠绵
Maybe I'll ring him. 也许我应该打电话给他
No, no... 不,不...
Obviously it's important to tell one's boyfriend how nice he looks naked, 告诉男友他赤裸的时候有多棒 显然很重要
but I have crucial, Pulitzer Prize winning journalism to do. 但我是个要拿普利策奖的大记者

Hello? 喂?
It's me. Just wondered how you are. 是我,就是想知道你好吗?
I'm fine, thanks. Everything all right with you? 我很好,谢谢,你好吗?
Fine, though, er,... 很好,不过,呃...
I've just had a rather graphic shag flashback. 我对昨夜的回忆历历在目
And you do have a genuinely gorgeous bottom. 你的臀部实在太太太棒了
Thank you. 谢谢

I'm with the Mexican ambassador, the head of Amnesty lnternational 现在在座的有墨西哥大使 国际特赦组织首脑
and the Undersecretary for Trade and lndustry. 以及贸易及工业部副部长
And you're on speakerphone. 和你的通话是扩音了的
Oh. Right, well... 哦,好,那么...
I'm quite busy with important stuff too... 我也有一大堆重要的公务要处理
Bridget, we're waiting for that tape about Tom, the happy hamster. 布里奇特,我们等着要 《快乐的仓鼠-汤姆》的录音
[08:28.80]- [Mark] I'll call when I've finished. - Excellent. - 等我结束了再打给你 - 很好
And Richard wants to see you about that crap skydiving report. 还有理查德想跟你谈谈 那次糟糕的跳伞运动的报道
Oh, fuck. 哦,该死

Oh, dear. Is this the end of my career? 天啊,这是不是我事业的终点?
No, it can't be. 不,不可能的
I will fight this. I am a journalist of the highest standards and integrity.我要斗争,我是一个 具有最高准则和职业道德的新闻记者