第 4 课

Look, I never said I could skydive and I'm terrified of heights, 我从没说过我会跳伞而且我有惧高症
so it was really hard to concentrate. - Be quiet. They loved it upstairs. -我根本没法集中精神 - 冷静点,上头很喜欢
Loved it. And they want us to come up with another regular spot for you. 很喜欢,他们想要给你一个固定的栏目

Oh, my God. That's... 噢,老天。这真是...
I won't let you down, Richard. - Precisely. - 我不会让你失望的,理查德 - 正是如此
...my friends' motto was "When in Rome, do as many Romans as you can. " ...我朋友们常说“入乡随俗”
But if your tastes are marginally more highbrow, I also have tips. 但是如果你自恃甚高,我有几点提议
Forget the Forum, definitely forget the Coliseum, 不用去古罗马广场 圆形大剧场干脆也别去
no fun now they can't slaughter Christians. 他们不屠杀基督徒也没什么意思了
Forget the Sistine Chapel, first example of a poof interior designer gone
mad... 也不要去西斯廷教堂, 据说有个室内设计师就这么疯了...

What is Daniel Cleaver doing on the television? 丹尼尔·克里弗在电视上干嘛?
It's called The Smooth Guide. "Making culture bearable". 《铁嘴走天下》 “让文化走入万户千家”
...equally serene and equally beautiful Professore Giovana Dabrache. ...相当平静相当美丽
who is about to show me her diptych. 这位乔万娜教授正要给我看她的双折画
Same old creep. 老套的献媚
Oh. Shame. 哦,真丢脸

He always speaks very warmly of you. 他一直说你很热心
Oh, yeah? - Yeah. - 噢,是吗? - 是啊
How about we go out for a bite to eat tonight? 不如我们今晚一起出去吃饭?
Oh. Can't. I have to go out with my boyfriend. 哦,不行。我要和我男朋友出去
He's a human rights lawyer. - I know. - 他是个人权律师 - 我知道
I'm meeting him for a romantic supper. 我要和他共进浪漫晚餐

Bridget Jones. - Bridget, it's Mark. - 布里奇特·琼斯 - 布里奇特,我是马克
Oh. I was just talking about you. 我正谈起你呢
I'm running late. Do you want me to cancel? 我要迟到了,要不要干脆取消?
Oh. No, that's fine. - Are you sure? - 不用,不要紧的 - 是吗?
Be as late as you like. 多晚也不要紧

Chuck him, while you're not pregnant with his unwanted child. 甩了他,趁你还没有怀上他的孩子
I only said he was working late. 我只是说他工作的比较晚
In one hour, he'll be coming in his secretary's mouth 他可能一边跟他的秘书及时行乐
while he rings to say what he wants for starters. 一边还要打电话吩咐你晚餐吃什么菜 Friends spend years finding you a boyfriend, 朋友们总是耗费心思帮你找男朋友
then instantly tell you to dump him. 随即又叫你蹬了他
Even if he isn't shagging her already, he's thinking about it. 就算他还没跟她上过床,也肯定幻想过
A man dating a woman with large breasts will bed one with small breasts. 和波霸约会过的男人 也会和平胸女人上床的
Rubbish. Mark's above all that nonsense. 胡说,马克才不会这样
Jellyfisher alert. Jellyfisher alert. 水母警报,水母警报