第 5 课

Janey Osborne. Talking to her is like swimming in a sea 简·奥斯本,跟她讲话就像在海里游泳
and being stung repeatedly by an enormous jellyfish. 被一个巨大的水母反复蛰刺一样
Bridget. How's it going with that divine man of yours? 布里奇特,你那个超凡的男人怎么样了?
You must be so pleased to have a boyfriend at last. 终于有男朋友了你一定很开心吧
First jellyfish of the evening. 晚上的第一个水母
Is he taking you to the Law Council Dinner? 他有没有带你去法律委员会晚宴?
Oh. Well, I'm sure he's just forgotten. 哦,我想他只是忘记了
Better start slimming into that dress. 最好开始减肥好撑得下礼服

He's given you the night off to cheer up your single friends. Sweet. 他让你整晚来给你单手朋友们打气的么?
Actually, he's got a big case on, trying to get everyone in Mexico out of prison. 实际上,他有个大案子要办, 要让墨西哥的每个人都能出狱
We're meeting for a very late romantic dinner. 我们约了晚些共进浪漫晚餐
Really? That's so odd, 是吗?真古怪
'cause I saw him an hour ago going into his house with Rebecca Gillies. 因为我一个小时前还看到 他和丽贝卡·吉利斯走进他家
She's only 22. She's got legs up to here. 她才22岁,她的腿那么长
And Daddy owns half of Australia. 爸爸拥有一半的澳大利亚

Who is Rebecca Gillies? What's she doing going into my boyfriend's house? 谁是丽贝卡·吉利斯? 她到我男朋友家去干嘛?
Where he never asks me. And with legs up to here? 他从不邀请我去,还有她的腿那么长
My legs only come up to there. You have fine legs. - 我的腿只有这么长 - 你的腿也很美 Climber's legs. 运动员的腿型
I say go over there and ask him, straight out, 要我说就去那里直接问他
are you or are you not sleeping with Rebecca Gillies? 你到底有没有和丽贝卡·吉利斯上过床?
If he says... - I won't dignify that with an answer... - 如果他说... - 我不屑于回答你这个问题...
Then you know he's shagging her. 那你就知道他肯定和她有一腿了

It's all about confidence and trust. Mark would never betray me. 这关乎于自信和信赖 马克绝不会背叛我的
[12:41.94]Everything will be lovely and we'll have sex in the kitchen. 所有事都会很顺利我们还可以在厨房缠绵

Bridget Jones. 布里奇特·琼斯
No, I'm Bridget Jones. 不,我才是布里奇特·琼斯
That's what I meant. - You must be... - 我就是这个意思 - 你一定是...
Rebecca Gillies. I've been so looking forward to meeting you 丽贝卡·吉利斯,我一直期待能见到你
after everything Mark's told me. - Why? What's he said? - 马克告诉我关于你的事情了 - 为什么?他说了什么?
Where is Mark? - Actually, er... - 马克在哪? - 实际上,呃...
Becky, who is it? - Becky? - 贝基,是谁啊? - 贝基?
Right. - Great. - 好啊 - 很好
Right... - Bridget. - 好啊... - 布里奇特.
Hello, Mark. 你好,马克

Hello... 你们好...
Lawyers who work with Mark. 马克共事的律师们
Good evening. 晚上好
Everything under control, I see. 所有事都很顺利
Um... Excellent graph. 唔...图表做的真好
Lovely legs. - Thank you. - 腿很漂亮 - 谢谢