第 7 课

Ever fancied doing it in the dark with a total stranger? 有没有想过和一个陌生人在黑暗中做爱?

All right, perhaps not a total stranger. 好吧,也许并不陌生
Back off, Cleaver, or I'll report you to a sexual harassment tribunal. 后退,克里弗,否则我会告你性骚扰的
I'm a serious journalist. 我是个很严肃的记者
Is that your most serious skirt, Jones? 这就是你最严肃的裙子吗,琼斯?
Oh... 喔...
Do you like it? 你喜欢吗?
I thought you hated television. 我以为你讨厌电视
I hate watching television. Being on it is... Hello there. 我讨厌看电视,自己上电视...你好
...entirely different. ...可完全不同
Daniel, thought the Madrid piece was outstanding, really original. 丹尼尔,马德里那段的观点很新颖,真出色
Cheers, Jeremy. Appreciate that. We had to work really hard on that one. 加油,杰里米,真高兴你能喜欢 我们都花了很多的心思在那上面

Tosser. Talking of which, how is Mark Darcy? 混蛋,说到哪里了?马克·达西好么?
You still...? - Yes, I am. - 你还...? - 当然
And I intend to be for a very long time. 我还想跟他长久下去
Good. You know what a fan I am of any woman married to Mark Darcy. 有女人要嫁给马克·达西是多搞笑的事啊
That's not funny. - Seriously, though, Jones, - 没什么搞笑的 - 我可是认真的,琼斯
[19:35.23]speaking purely unselfishly, I worry about you. 不掺杂一点私利的说,我很为你担心

You do know that it's a fact that most lawyer's wives die of boredom? 你不知道大多数律师的妻子 都是死于单调的生活的吗?
And what about you? Still shagging anything that moves? 那你又如何呢?只要是女人都想上
As a matter of fact, no. No shagging whatsoever. 事实上我现在很自持
I'm in shag therapy. 我正在治疗期间
It turns out I have a problem. I go to meetings, talk about my feelings. 我可能有强迫症 我参加交流会和人谈心
Hug people who smell. 跟浑身发臭的人拥抱

I don't believe you. - I'm trying... - 我不相信 - 我试着...
...to be a better man, Bridge, ...做个好男人,布里奇特
so that the next time a better woman comes along, 那下次再有个好女人在我面前
I won't make a pig's ear of it. 我就不会再错过了

Daniel. Meeting? 丹尼尔,开会了
Yeah, yeah. Thanks. 好的,谢谢
Very good hair, Jones. 头发很漂亮,琼斯

By the way, um, you're not free for dinner tonight, are you? 对了,嗯,今晚有空共进晚餐吗?
No, I'm not. I'm going to the Law Council Dinner. 没有,我要参加法律委员会晚宴
It's a very important evening. 今晚是个大日子

I can't wear that. 我穿不下的
Bridge, do you want to get married and have babies before you become barren? 布里奇特,你想在更年期之前结婚生子吗?
Trust me... 相信我...
Magda: my only grown-up friend. Married to Mark's partner. 玛格达:我唯一的闺中密友 嫁给了马克的合伙人
She actually got engaged on the night of the Law Council Dinner. 她实际上是在法律委员会晚宴上订婚的
Try it with the dress. 试试这套礼服
Oh, my God! 噢,老天!
Remember, we are trying to reduce your body size by 1 5 per cent. 听着,我们是要缩小你百分之十五的身形
You hold the front, I'll hold the back. One, two, three... 你拉前面,我拉后面。一、二、三...