第 9 课

and there's the rest of us. 然后就是我们这些人了
Like you and me, you mean? 你的意思是,就像你和我?
Absolutely. 没错
I mean, look at the state of us. 看看我们的现状
You and me stumbled into the VlP room by mistake 你和我只是误闯了贵宾间
and it's only a matter of moments before they show us the door. 没多久他们就要赶我们走了

My lords, ladies and gentlemen, let the quiz begin. 尊敬的女士们先生们,智力问答时间开始
Oh, goody. I love quizzes. 太好了,我最喜欢智力问答
All those years of playing Trivial Pursuits are about to pay off. 可以检验一下我多年棋盘游戏的功力了

Now I want to see your hands poised over those bells. Ready? 现在把手在铃上放好,准备
Here we go. What are something called "customary freeholds"? 开始 “自由公簿地产”是指什么?
Superior copyhold. 地产的优先保有权
Yes. 正确
What is the correct grace used in the lnner Temple 在伦敦内殿律师公会 米伽勒节学年中的
for the second mooting night of Michaelmas term? 第二次晚间审议大会 应当采取何种形式?
Amas bibendo... fructis. Amas bibendo... fructis
Jolly good. What is an overreaching conveyance? 非常好 如何解释“超量运输”?
What is rack-rent? When was breach of promise abolished? 何谓“强索地租”?毁弃婚约的行为是何年被禁止的?
Define "damnum sentit dominus". 定义“damnum sentit dominus” (拉丁语,罗马法概念,即所有者承担损失)
Translate "reddendo singula singulis" into Ancient Greek. 把“reddendosingula singulis”译成古希腊文 (拉丁语,即“各对各”文字结构规则)

I believe this is the answer. 我想这答案没错
Hippodamoi credemnon louestai. Hippodamoi credemnon louestai (古希腊文)
Absolutely correct.完全正确

Now, for our final and deciding round, 现在是最后决定性的回合
the category is contemporary culture. 当代文化类
Who did the design for Princess Diana's wedding dress? 是谁设计了黛安娜王妃的结婚礼服?

The Emmanuels. 埃马纽埃尔
Correct. - Excellent, Bridget. - 正确 - 真棒,布里奇特.
Name the character in Footballers' Wives 足球运动员妻子的名字
who, in one memorable episode, set fire to her own breasts. 她最为经典的一件事是烧了自己的胸部
Chardonnay. 莎当妮
Correct. 正确

At this point, there are only two tables in contention 现在只有两桌可以参与最后的竞争
and only one question left. 这是最后一题了

What was the name of Madonna's first UK single? 麦当娜第一首英国单曲是?
Lucky Star. 幸运星
Sorry, I didn't quite hear. - Are you sure? - 对不起,我没听清 -确定吗?
Wasn't it Holiday? - No, everyone thinks it is, - 不是《假期》吗? - 不是,很多人都以为是
but it's not. 其实搞错了
My entire life has been leading up to this very moment. 胜负在此一举了
Take that knife, slice off my head and boil it if I'm wrong. 拿着那把刀,如果我错了就把我头割下来煮
The correct answer is Lucky Star. 正确答案是《幸运星》
No. 错