Section 14 Cinema, Theater 电影院 歌剧院

What's the difference between a cinema and a theater? 电影院和歌剧院有什么不同?

Theaters are generally for live performances. 歌剧院是现场表演的,

Cinemas are for recorded shows. 电影院则播放录制的表演。

What are live performances? 什么是现场表演?

These are where there are people on the stage actually performing there and then. 就是舞台上有真实的人在表演。

So what sort of performances can we expect? 那我们能看什么样的表演呢?

There can be acting of plays, you know, drama, comedy etc. 你知道有可能是话剧,歌剧或戏剧等。

Anything else? 还有吗?

Sure, there can be musical performances by solo artists or by bands. 当然,也有可能是独奏音乐表演或是乐队合奏。

Can I see classical concert at a theater? 我能在剧院里欣赏到古典音乐会吗?

Yes, some theaters are used for that. 可以的,某些剧院会有这样的演出。

Cinemas are different then? 那么,电影院就有所不同的了?

Yah, cinemas usually show movies. 是的,电影院通常放映电影。

And these are not live. 而且他们不是现场的。

That's right, they were recorded on film long before you see it in the cinema. 没错,你在电影院观看他们之前,这些影像已经早就录制在胶片上了。

I don't know which I prefer. 不知道我该选择什么。

Perhaps they are equally as good as each other. 也许他们各有各的好处。