For just about every interest in life, there is a magazine. 几乎有关生活的每个方面,就有一本杂志。
What do you mean? 你指的是什么?
Well, you think of a subject, and you can be sure there is magazine you can buy for it. 只要你想一个主题,肯定就会有一本与之相关的杂志。
Yes, I suppose you are right. Why do you think that is? 我想你说的没错,那你说为什么会这样呢?
Probably, because the publishers of magazines make money from them. 也许杂志的发行者为了从中盈利。
Sure. But I think that they must also have a special interest in what they are writing about, 没错,但是,我想他们应该对自己所写的方面有一定的兴趣。
or they get writers who know the subject to write about it. 或者他们找一些熟悉这一题材的作者来写。
There are also general magazines as well. 也有一些公共的杂志。
Like children's or women's magazines, you mean? 你指的是儿童和妇女类的杂志。
Yah. They cover the sort of material that is of interest to a particular but wide audience. 是的,这些杂志写的是一个专门的主题,但有很多读者。
Um, actually I prefer reading magazines to books. 实际上,和读书相比,我更喜欢读杂志。
Why is that? 为什么?
I think it's because I can read them quicker. 我觉得可以快一点读完。
Yah. You can pick them up and put them down after just a short read. 是的,你只需读一会儿,就可以把他们放下。