Section 5 In the Home 在家里

There are many kinds of rooms in a house. 一座房子里有很多种房间。

The bedroom is where we sleep. 卧室是我们睡觉的地方。

In the kitchen we cook our meals.我们在厨房里烧菜和做饭。

In the dining room, we eat the food we have cooked. 我们在餐厅里就餐。

Lounges are used for relaxing. 客厅是休闲的场所。

Some houses have a study. 有些房子里有一个书房。

The study is like an office at home.书房就像是设在家里的办公室。

The bathroom is where we wash. 盥洗室是洗刷的地方。

Some bathrooms have a bath. 有些浴室里有澡盆。

Other bathrooms have a shower. 其它浴室里有冲凉设备。

Most bathrooms have a toilet. 大多数浴室里有马桶。

Some houses have more than one bathroom. 有些房子里的卫生间不只一间。

Several bedrooms can make a part of a house. 几间卧室组成了房间的一个部分。

A house can also have a garden. 房子里也可以有花园。

A garden may have a small house called a shed.
