
第 10 课: 疑问代词的使用:谁,什么,在哪儿,哪个(些)-1

Who is reading? The woman is reading. 谁在看书?那个女人在看书。

Who is dancing? The man is dancing. 谁在跳舞?那个男人在跳舞。

Who is swimming? The boy is swimming. 谁在游泳?那个男孩儿在游泳。

Who is running? The horse is running. 谁在跑?那匹马在跑。

Who is sitting? The child is sitting. 谁在坐着?那个小孩儿在坐着。

Who is eating? The man is eating. 谁在吃东西?那个男人在吃东西。

Who is drinking milk? The girl is drinking milk. 谁在喝牛奶?那个女孩儿在喝牛奶。

Who is under the table? The boy is under the table. 谁在桌子下面?那个男孩儿在桌子下面。