
第 20 课: 头部,脸,手和脚;物主名词与代词-5

He is touching his nose. 他在摸自己的鼻子

He is touching his mouth. 他在摸自己的嘴

She is touching her eye. 她在摸自己的眼睛

She is touching her chin. 她在摸自己的下巴

The woman is brushing her hair. 那个女人在用发刷儿梳头

The woman is brushing the girl's hair. 那个女人在用发刷儿梳女孩儿的头

The woman is combing her hair. 那个女人在用发梳子梳头

The woman is combing the girl's hair. 那个女人在用梳子梳女孩儿的头