
第 21 课: 各种时态:现在进行时;现在完成时;用“正要”, “想”表示的一般将来时-3

The girl is going to cut the paper. 那个女孩儿正要剪纸

The girl is cutting the paper. 那个女孩儿在剪纸

The girl has cut the paper. 那个女孩儿已经把纸剪完了

This girl is jumping. 那个女孩儿在跳

The boy is going to jump into the water. 那个男孩正要往水里跳

The boy is jumping into the water. 那个男孩正往水里跳

The boy has jumped into the water. 那个男孩儿已经跳进水里了

These boys are jumping into the water. 那些男孩正往水里跳