
第 21 课: 各种时态:现在进行时;现在完成时;用“正要”, “想”表示的一般将来时-5

The man is going to drink the milk. 那个男人正要喝牛奶

The man is drinking the milk. 那个男人在喝牛奶

The man has drunk the milk. 那个男人已经把牛奶喝了

The boy is going to eat the bread. 那个男孩儿正要吃面包

The boy is going to eat the bread. 那个男孩儿正要吃面包

The boy is eating the bread. 那个男孩儿在吃面包

The boy has eaten some bread. 那个男孩儿已经吃了一点儿面包

The boy is wearing a hat. 那个男孩儿在戴帽子