
第 39 课: 描述两种动作同时发生:一边...一边-5

One girl is holding her hat while walking. 有个女孩儿在走,手里还拿着一顶帽子

The man is drinking while sitting on the carriage. 那个男人坐在马车上,喝着水

The man is sitting on the bicycle while the boy is climbing the fence. 那个男孩儿在爬栅栏,那个男人坐在自行车上

The children are watching while the man is writing. 那两个孩子在看那个男人写字

The boy is climbing the steps while the man is watching. 那个男人在看那个男孩儿上梯子

The boy is climbing the steps while no one is watching. 没人在看那个男孩儿上梯子

These men are carrying guns while they are walking through the water. 那些男人过河时,手里拿着枪

These men are carrying guns while they are marching in a parade. 那些男人列队行进时,手里拿着枪