
第 44 课: 复习第四部分-1

What is the man doing? He is drinking water. 那个男人在干什么?他在喝水。

What is the man doing? He is playing his guitar. 那个男人在干什么?他在弹吉他。

What is the man doing? He is putting on his sweater. 那个男人在干什么?他在穿毛衣。

What is the man doing? He is sitting with his son. 那个男人在干什么?他正和他儿子坐在一起

The hands are apart and the feet are apart. 手分开着,脚也分开着。

The hands and feet are together. 手脚并在一起

The feet are apart and the hands are together. 脚分开着, 手并在一起。

The feet are together and the hands are apart. 脚并在一起, 手分开着。