第 44 课: 复习第四部分-3
The cat is asleep. 那只猫睡着了
The cat is awake. 那只猫醒着
The baby is asleep. 那个婴儿睡着了
The baby is awake. 那个婴儿醒着
The woman is singing while playing the electric piano. 那个女人一边弹着电子琴,一边在唱歌。
The woman is drinking while playing the electric piano. 那个女人一边弹着电子琴,一边在喝东西。
The woman is brushing her hair while holding her purse. 那个女人一手拿着手提包,一手在梳头。
The woman is writing while holding her purse. 那个女人一边拿着手提包,一边在写字。