
第 47 课: 运用各种时态:现在进行时,现在完成时,用 “要”,“想要” 表示的将来时-3

The bird is swimming. 那只天鹅在游

The bird is flying. 那只鸟在飞

The bird is walking. 那只鸟在走

The bird is flapping its wings, but it is not flying. 那只天鹅在拍打翅膀,但没有飞

The dog is going to catch the frisbee. 那条狗正要接飞盘

The dog has caught the frisbee. 那条狗已经接住了飞盘

The dog is going to pick up the hat. 那条狗正要拣帽子

The dog has picked up the hat. 那条狗已经把帽子拣了起来